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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Timothy P. Olinger, O.D. a proud provider of vision care products and services in Lawndale.

Dr. Timothy Olinger

Dr Olinger received his Doctor of Optometry degree in 1987 from the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago, following completion of his undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. He re-located to the LA area shortly after graduation, and in 1993 took over the practice of Dr. John Prewett. In 1999 he moved the practice to its current location, and has continually expanded the practice to accommodate the needs of a growing patient base.

Dr. Olinger believes in and provides comprehensive eye and vision care to patients of all ages, using the most current technology available. He is certified in the treatment and management of ocular disease, as well as management of computer related vision syndrome and co-management of refractive surgery. His areas of special interest include ocular disease management, treatment of dry eye syndrome, computer vision syndrome and contact lenses.
Dr. Olinger was born and raised in Wisconsin, where he developed a love for the outdoors. When he is not in the office, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two children. His outside interests include all things fly-fishing, hiking and kayaking.

Dr. Jennifer Aslam

Dr. Aslam is a native of Southern California, born and raised in the greater LA area. She and her husband currently reside in Redondo Beach. She received her Doctor of Optometry degree from Western University of Health Sciences, where she graduated in the top of her class and was recognized as Student Clinician of the year.

Her inspiration to pursue optometry as a career came at a young age. After receiving her first pair of glasses at the age of eleven, she was in awe of how clearly she could see the world. Her family had no idea that she was not experiencing life to its fullest due to her poor vision. Her personal experience has made her especially passionate about children’s vision.

Dr. Aslam truly loves what she does. She cherishes her career as it allows her to build strong relationships with patients and their families. She provides comprehensive exams and compassionate care with the philosophy that “care” is the most important part of “healthcare”.

In her free time, Dr. Aslam enjoys cooking, running and seeking new opportunities to challenge herself. Her latest adventure has been learning to sail.

Rosa Duran – Office Manager

Rosa has been a vital part of our office for over 14 years. She manages the day-to-day operation of the office, as well as being our vision insurance expert, Rosa is also an experienced optician, and is known for her positive attitude and welcoming personality. Her goal is to make your visit to our office as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Angie Claustro – Front Desk Supervisor and Optician

Angie has been a big part of the office for over 8 years, starting as an optometric assistant and moving up to her current position. One of the first smiling faces you will see when you enter the office, she understands how important it is to provide our patients with excellent service.

Nancy Lopez – Optometric Assistant and Reception

Nancy joined us in 2016, and quickly became an important asset to our office. She is the calm voice you hear on the phone, and helps patients with everything from appointments and insurance verification to pre-testing.

Lisa Weeks – Optician

Lisa joined our office this past year, having over 10 years of experience in optical dispensing. She is an expert in all frame and lens options, and will assist and guide you in making that perfect choice. She understands how difficult frame selection can be, and wants you to find that perfect match.

Stephanie Carrillo – Optometric Assistant

The newest member of our team, Stephanie is well-trained and skilled in performing the necessary testing before your visit with the Doctor.